Team and Corporate Clients - Webinars
Some of the Clients We Have Served with Proven Virtual Training
UNC Graduate School |
Kudos to Peter Metzner for presenting! I have participated in many sessions over the years but, I have to say, this was ONE OF THE BEST! ... both for subject matter covered and trainer's expertise. He was totally well versed on this subject. He presented it very well, and kept an eye of the posts coming in on the chat, to answer as many questions as he could. The hour went by too quickly! Hoping for more in the future!
I have to say, and we have a ton of Duke Employees who agree, Peter is one of the best speakers we have had at Duke Energy, period. I am not just talking about Wellness Presentations. I am talking about speakers in general. What a find.
Duke Energy
On behalf of the entire leadership team, I thank you for agreeing to spend time with us! The presentation was superb. I always learn so much from you! Thank you again!
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
Thank you for providing all of this wonderful information for me/us. This info. brings what we talked about down to a nutshell which for me produces more instant, spot-on clarity. This act shows me what a caring, deeply-committed person you are to helping us "get it". Thanks, again.
Contact us for a complementary consultation to see how Virtual Leadership Training and Team Building Webinars can help your organization.